Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Getting Un-stuck

Some men see things as they are and say "Why?" He dreamed things that never were and said "Why not?"
George Bernard Shaw, John Bull's Other Island

“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock it shall be opened unto you.”
-Jesus - Luke 11:9

My mental picture of Hell is that moment when we realize that we have been given the precious gift of life, only to painfully know that we have wasted most, if not all, of it. And we realize that there is nothing that can be done to salvage any of it. Hell is the pain of discovering too late what “might have been.”

Life is far too short to waste on looking back with resentment, regret, or blame. Life is too short to waste even a single moment being negative, when we can change the world and make it a better place.

When God created us in His image, He invited us to participate in the Holy Realm. God wants us to be all that we can be.

Sometimes seeking God’s realm seems so simple to me. Decide what you want. Focus on it. Take action. Learn from our mistakes. Celebrate the achievements.

What is it that keeps people and organizations from doing their best? How do we get so stuck?

The more important question is how do we get unstuck? Consider the possibilities built into these actions.
Let love be our aim.
Ask and receive.
Seek and find.
Knock and watch the doors open.
Live in the present moment, appreciating the people and gifts around us.

Because of God’s love we can be redeemed from our false starts at any point in our lives and begin all over again.

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